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Please HELP us in our mission

Global ACCORD, a dba of Rutherford County Christian Relief Association (EIN #20-3839755),

is an exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.  All donations are tax deductible.

You may donate by debit or credit card via this secure PayPal app and a receipt will be emailed to you.

Click on a listed ministry to designate your donation.

Global ACCORD General Fund

Global ACCORD Disaster Relief Fund

Big Creek Missions

Cuba Church Planting Support

Damascus Road International Church

To make donations by check to individual missionary accounts, please go HERE for more details.

Thanks and God bless.  With your support we can advance the Kingdom of God, help those in need and Deploy Hope through:

Missions: Spreading the Gospel around the world

Disaster Relief: Helping those who have suffered loss

Serving Others: Caring for the needs of others

HONORING YOUR PREFERENCE: It is the intent and desire of Global ACCORD to provide for the work of missionaries and approved mission projects through your generosity and in keeping with your preferences. Your tax-deductible donations are given with the understanding that Global ACCORD has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds. If Global ACCORD is not able to honor your preferences, you will be notified.